Sunday, March 30, 2008

Dating Amazing Techniques To Attract a Mate of Your Dreams Online

Dating - Amazing Techniques To Attract a Mate of Your Dreams Online

When we start thinking about online dating, the most frequently asked questions are How do I create a love relationship? How do I attract a man or a woman online for a night, a lifetime or anything in between? People say that they are waiting for the person that they can love, but we would like you to self reflect and ask yourself the question that if you need to pick up anything heavy, do you wait for the muscles to develop?

There are simple tools of communication for creating lasting love. One of the many tools is self-assessment or self-analysis. You can do a sort of course correction to attract a better partner before starting dating, try to upgrade your inner self, change yourself to attract a person of higher value. Course correction is like an airplane, which flies in a certain direction, but the wind pushes it in a different direction so the pilot is constantly trying to course correct.

There are people who complain that they keep attracting bimbos or gold diggers who are just mentally ill. One should stop and think why they are attracting the wrong kind of person. It is worthwhile to learn certain tools, which will make you, understand people better and help you to change yourself, help you to attract a better partner for dating online.

The other important tool to attract the ideal woman or man is body language or tonality or pacing of the voice. It is important to read the signals that are being sent to you. The first and foremost advice we would like to give a man who is dating online is to first establish trust in a woman, let her settle in her feminity. Never talk about sex on the first day. Never view the woman as a target, something to be had or accomplished. Try to read her profile, read her messages, and ask her questions.

There are also women who test a man about how he talks about his mother or about his last girlfriend. You can say something beautiful about them to her but you need not fake it. For attracting a woman online, we should communicate in an authentic manner. Most of us do not reveal our authentic self because we are self conscious or scared. Usually a man wants a woman who is gracious, a woman who is not cutting down another woman or man.

Now, how does a woman attract a quality man through online dating? Again it is essential that she communicate about herself online in the right way. The signals that attract a man are I am whole, I am complete and I am not needy. The signals that scare a man away are I am confused or I am incompetent. A man does not want a dependent or a child. He needs a confident woman. The woman is taught by someone, somewhere (parents or movies) that they should not show all their strengths. They should hide their emotions or they will scare a quality man away.

If a person does not respond to your profile in online dating or does not call you back you should be grateful. It means that he is not resonating or responding to your authentic self. He is probably searching for someone who not so confident, someone whom they can manipulate. There is a saying that a woman can fake an orgasm but men can fake a whole relationship.

We should try to communicate our positive selves in online dating, who we want to be and when we communicate that people start responding to that person. So to attract a person of your dreams on online dating, it is important to master these tools to be successful.

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Pradeep Aggarwal is the creator of dating tantra ( The website offers tips, techniques, tricks, resources to make your dating experience a success. Visit dating tantra for a free 6 part mini course Sure Fire ways to amazing dates

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